About Me

Like most energy workers, I was able to see Spirits at a very young age.
My first recollection is when my Mom was trying to get to me to sleep one night (always a battle) and I told her I saw Angels flying slowly through my bedroom window towards the moon. I've no idea what she said in return, but I imagine it was something like, go to sleep!
At 12 years old, I have incredibly vivid recall of seeing my Mom's Father on the steps leading to our basement. That sounds normal until you know that it was on the day of his funeral - a funeral I wasn't allowed to attend because back in the dark ages, kids didn't go to funerals, or at least not in our family. Again, my observation got me in trouble.
This lead to years of guilt for even thinking I saw, heard, felt anything that could be considered not of this world.
But that doesn't mean I didn't see it!
Fast forward to years later, walking my border collie Lainey early one chilly morning. As we walked, there appeared a woman in front of me. She was dressed in what looked to me like farm clothes from the 1800's - long skirt, work jacket, hat, boots, etc. I came to know that her name was Lila. All throughout our 40 minute walk, she stayed with us, walking backwards in front of us. I tried talking with her, but that didn't help. At first I thought she would just disappear but by the time we were on the sidewalk in front of our house, she was still there. In quite a panic, I called a friend who had recently told me she had just been to a Medium & maybe I should call her. Ok, anything at this point. Still standing out front, I called and a friendly voice answered. Shawna was my first real teacher, unless you count John Edward - an American Medium based on NYC. I watched John on TV and learned so much from him. I explained my situation to Shawna. She calmly said, what does someone want you to do who is walking backwards in front of you? They want you to stop. Excellent point and one I hadn't thought of.
Expertly, Shawna guided me through the process of helping this lady in Spirit get to the Light. We must've made quite a sight as both me and the dog looked skyward at the same time. One lady passing us on our busy street looked up also as she walked by. She must've thought I was mad!
Shawna suggested that perhaps I should attend her classes in Nobleton as it seemed that my energy needed to be educated in the right way so I would know what to do, etc.
Within 2 weeks, there I was. In Nobleton, at night, in a church, on my own, in a class of people I was certain knew that I didn't know anything about the subject matter. Convinced I was that I would be sent home early. Well, that didn't happen. What did happen was a lovely lady rescued me in the parking lot, aware that I was nervous and feeling lost, and walked me into the class. We're still very close friends. I stayed in "Psychic Night School" as I called it for years and learned so very much.
I've been fortunate enough to teach Mediumship, which is like coming full circle from where I started, as a kid getting in trouble at home.
Working now, here's what I've been up to:
Angel Readings
Card Readings
House Clearing
Working on missing people cases - The Other Side helped me reunite Mother/Son on Mother's Day this year. The son had been missing for 18 months.
Energy Healing
June 2011, Angel Communication
Nov 2011, Mediumship
Feb 2012, Angel Guidance & Healing Practitioner
April 2012, Rainbow Energy Healing, Level 1
Sept. 2012, Angel Guidance & Healing Practitioner, Advanced Level
April 30-May 1, 2016, Spiritual Development
April 2018, Spiritual Development
All of that brings me here.
It's certainly not an easy road to travel, but it's never ever dull. Helping people heal, grow and find peace is almost inexplicable in it's feelings. It has to be one of the most humbling experiences we know.